Minggu, 26 Mei 2013

Utilize Location

2 years ago, my father retired from private employees. because I admit it, my parents have a strong entrepreneurial spirit. Eventually, my father made ​​a bubble store. I happened to be home close to schools.
First with a capital of 3 million, new carts only pick one fruit, a blender, cover the tools, and all supplies starting powder pop ice, plastic cups, straws, mesis, chocolate etc.

The running time, this business has shown good progress. Her late father bought the blender again and again along with tool closed 1 table.
Who have exhausted it destroy his ice hehe. services that sexy mother, sister, myself and my sister hhe. so sometimes change-change hehe.
Hopefully this effort, continues to grow. amen, nice work income. per day can generate Rp 300,000 - Rp 350,000, depending on the weather hhe. because the products we sell synonymous with ice and cold then hot weather very influential: D

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